Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009

Reflection of Macbeth by William Shakespeare


Upon having to make a modern adaptation of Macbeth, I learnt the intricacy of human nature, especially one which deals with ambition. The attempts to reach success can sometimes lead to perilous twists and turns as well as degrade the morality of one. In this play, Macbeth is blinded by his ambition to be on the throne that he is capable of conducting such vile method to attain it. However, the influence of his wife, Lady Macbeth, should not be dismissed so easily, for she plays a major part in Macbeth’s decision to kill Duncan. Here, what I can perceive is the fact that one’s conducts are normally also the reflection of one’s surroundings, and despite the seemingly submissive nature of his wife, she is actually the voice behind his moves. Lady Macbeth’s influences over her husband shows that women are more guile and manipulative than men to achieve what they want and in this case, power and success through any means. Besides that, it seems like the matter of masculinity is something which can touch the nerves of any men, as such happens to Macbeth. When his wife starts to question his manhood accusing him of lacking ambition when he doesn’t want to kill Duncan, Macbeth becomes troubled by this thought that he changes his stand towards this issue completely. He wants to prove to her that he’s still worth the respect he deserves as a man and a husband. This ambition involving the attainment of power is also prevalent in today’s society with so many people becoming more corrupted in their ways to achieve a higher rank that any means will be done. Despite the fact that Shakespeare has tried to warn us upon the vanity and danger of having unchecked ambition through this play, people are still not heeding this advisory message.

Also, I find it intriguing that at the start of the play, it is Lady Macbeth who seems to be the “evil” one, for she is the one who puts the idea of assassinating Duncan without any feeling of remorse, becomes so consumed with guilt that she finally commits suicide. Yet, the allure of power has made Macbeth turn into a more immoral man, when he is willing to do anything, even more killings, to cover up his murder on Duncan. Thus, ambition and power are two extremely dangerous objects of pursuit if they go unchecked. My most memorable lines from the play are from Scene 5 Act 5 lines 22-27:

“ Out, out brief candle,

Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage

And then is heard no more. It is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury

Signifying nothing.”

These lines are said by Macbeth upon learning the death of his wife and I can really sense his despondency that he suddenly sees life as insignificant and fleeting. There is also a hint of regret in his words that all of the efforts that he has spent upon achieving his ultimate goal; becoming king, are after all meaningless because he can never enjoy it with his beloved wife as they have been tormented by the committed crime in the past. From this, I gather that it is never easy to reach one’s goal and there should also be boundaries upon which one can achieve it because breaking the moral codes does not necessary brings joyful ending as seen from Macbeth’s life story.


By having the chance to create and perform a short play of Macbeth’s version last week, I could understand Macbeth much better than the real version because our group made the modern version of it. It is easier to be understood. From the play, I learnt that human beings often being so greedy about wealth, power, and success. Sometimes, man does not think the appropriate ways to achieve success or so-called they often have blind-ambition. According to the play, this can be seen when Macbeth is affected by Macbeth’s wife, whose name is Lady Macbeth. In my opinion, she has given bad effects to Macbeth because she is the one who persuaded Macbeth to kill Duncan in order to take over the throne. Here, we can really see that women’s roles are playing an important role in this play. Thus, ones cannot underestimate women. In the end, Lady Macbeth was successful in persuading Macbeth to assassinate Duncan, though; at first Macbeth did not the plan to kill Duncan. His surrounding, which is his own wife, was influencing Macbeth. It is very easy for someone to fall into other people’s idea, though; it is not a positive idea. At last, I learnt that every act that you take would give you rewards. When human acts in positive attitudes, then they will get good rewards. On the other hand, when they act in negative attitudes, then what they will get is bad rewards. As an illustration, Lady Macbeth died because she felt guilty.

Kharis :

Macbeth sure is a very good example of a tragedy, the tragedy of a tragic man who met a tragic ending. Macbeth and his wife are doing something too far in their struggle to attain power and position which is killing the rightful king and his kins. Their actions are driven by ambition and lust for power rather than their awareness that macbeth is capable to make the country better by becoming a king. Actually, macbeth is an unambitious person rather than a power hungry. His wife is the one who pulling all the string from behind. She orchestrated the murder of duncan and thus, making her husband the king. It's like she is the one with the brain and macbeth is the thug with the brawn. The girl power that we see here, demonstrates how women can be more dominant than man. In the end, they both meet tragic ending which is death. Of course, it;s not by natural cause, but by sword. The lady commits suicide, and macbeth beheaded by malcolm who seeks for revenge. Just like the saying in the bible, "you reap what you sow". Truly, both macbeth and his wife have harvested their field.


I think Macbeth tragedy is a good example of how people can change because of blind ambition. It is all started when Lady Macbeth want her husband to take the throne, but later on Macbeth is the one that become cruel and cold hearted, this play also shows that women can actually be as ambitious as men. This paly is wonderful because at that time women was a second class in the society but in this play, Lady Macbeth also proved that women can control her husband.


Transforming a drama script into a performance makes us easier to understand the characteristic of each character, since we have to read the script at first and then play it on stage. we have to know and try to make the characterization successful. The character, lady Macbeth, in the story is the person who meets with change in personality for her ambition of power and wealth. Her ambition soon makes her husband turn into a different person, someone who will do anything to gain his will. The interesting part is Lady Macbeth, the culprit of all evilness, regrets all what she has done, goes crazy and then commits suicide, while her husband, who is at first a good person, never regrets and enjoys being a king.

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