Minggu, 13 September 2009

Rome and Juliet by William Shakespeare

Rome and Juliet is one of the most popular play by William Shakespeare. The first thing that come out from the readers' mind about this play is about the romantic story between Romeo and Juliet. In fact it is a tragic story.
First of all, i would like to give my comments about group one's performance. It was a great great performance. It seemed that all of them have the talent of acting. They could bring out their emotion into a great play. I also like the way they used music during the play because it helps the audiences to understand what situation the act is. It is also a great idea to wear two different colors of clothes in order to differentiate the Capulet's family from Montague's family.
Secondly, mei gave us a "homework" to write down about the theme of this play :p..
if i'm not mistaken, i think the theme is about someone's fate cannot be prevented. As an illustration, although both of the family (Capulet and Montague) disagree about their relationship, at the end of the story Rome and Juliet are together (neither in heaven nor hell)

what I learned from Romeo and Juliet story is about the effects of love. The effects of love in this play is not only between Romeo and Juliet but also after they commit suicide their family make a peace. It i s such an unexpected effect after what Romeo and Juliet did, because perhaps in reality their family will not make a peace but war.

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